Facts about Wolves

The wolf evolved 20 million years ago, and was the most successful mammal on Earth until man exterminated it from most of its area.

Wolves are at least ten times more intelligent than the smartest dogs.

There has never been a documented account of a healthy wolf attacking a human being in North America.

At one time the grey wolf ranged throughout Canada and across almost all of the United States, including Alaska. Today, Canada has about 50,000 gray wolves, Alaska 10,000, and the rest of the United States probably fewer than 1,300. In the lower 48 states, Minnesota has about 1,200. (Quoted from Twilight Hunters)

The wolf is the largest of the wild canines. Adult males average 95 - 100 lbs., and females about 15 lbs. less. The largest wolf ever weighed was from Alaska, and weighed 175 lbs.

The jaw pressure of a wolf is double the jaw pressure a German Shepard which is 750 compared to the wolves at 1,500. They must eat when they can, for in the wilderness it can be feast or famine.

Wolves howl to greet one another, to indicate their location, to define thier boundaries, and to call the pack togather. Sometimes just for the fun of it. Wolves also make other dog like sounds ..... barks are for warning.

Adult wolves have the ability to regulate there body temperatures to adapt to changes in the weather. The puppies can not, so they must stay close to the warmth of their mothers.

Wolves have no natural predators, except for humans.

In extreme cold weather wolves can restrict the flow of blood to the skin to conserve heat.

Out of a 24 hour period, wolves spend eight to ten hours on the move.

At full speed, wolves can run close to 30 mph.

The role of the wolf in the wild is to cull out the sick or injured leaving only healthy, strong animals to reproduce.



- Canis Lupus Three species of Wolves:

Gray Wolf (canis lupus) Mexican Wolves - 200 in 41 captive facilities. 35 wolves in 6 packs were released in march 1998 in Apache National Forest in Arizona.

 Red Wolf (canis rufus) Red Wolves - 70-90 released in Alligator River and Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuges.

 Abyssinian Wolf (canis simensis) A newly recognized species of the wolf family. It is found only in the highlands of Ethiopia. Their population if approximately 550 wolves. They usually never weight more than 40 pounds and it preys mainly on rodents.

 Wolf Statistics in the United States Currently there are approximately 3200-3500 wolves in the wild in the Lower 48 States. Alaska 5000- 6000 Canada - 50,000-60,000 Minnesota - 2500 -2600 Michigan - 200 = 9 packs Wisconsin - 200 = 9 packs Idaho - 150 = 15 packs Montana - 80 = 7 packs Wyoming - Yellowstone Nat'l Park - 120 = 9 packs The Yellowstone wolf packs include: Cheif Joseph = 2 Sheep Mount = 9 Leopold = 10-12 Rose Creek = 12 Druid = 8 Sunlight Basin = 7 Crstal Creek = 8 Teton = 6 Jackson = 5 Nez Perz = 13 (Originally started with 14 wolves in 1988, and end of 1999 120 wolves have been established. 1997 67 pups were born, 50 survived. In 1999 64 pups were born, 38 survived.)

Some frequently asked questions about wolves.

How long do wolves live? The average is 8 to 9 years in the wild and 12 to 13 in captivity.

How fast can wolves run and how far do they travel? Trotting 5 miles per hour, but they can run in short bursts up to 35 miles per hour. They usually travel up to 30 miles per day hunting for food.

 What is the main cause of wolf Mortality? Mainly starvation, and death caused from other wolves due to fighting over territory. Canine parvo and mange also are a small part of death in wolves.

 How many teeth do wolves have? 42 teeth

How long is their gestation period? 63 days

 How many pups are usually born? 4-6 pups

How strong are wolves’ jaws? The pressure of the wolf jaw is 1500 pounds of pressure per square inch, two times stronger than a German Shepherd, which has 750 pounds per square inch. Wolves can crush large bones in a few bites.

What is the main prey of wolves? The main prey would be caribou, elk, white tail deer, moose and some wolves hunt rabbits or smaller prey.

 What is the social structure of the pack? There is an alpha male and alpha female, they are in charge of the pack. They are also the only pair allowed to breed. The beta wolves’ are in second position and finally the omega wolf is the lowest position within the pack.

 How large is the pack size? It varies on the territory anywhere from 2 to 20 animals. Packs are larger in Canada and Alaska.

 How do wolves communicate? They communicate is a variety of ways by: Howling Growling Whimpering Whining Barking Eye contact Scent marking Body language